Sonnleiten Magazine

In our magazine you will find out interesting news about our hotel and the region. We would like to share our history and experiences with you and give you tips for your perfect holiday with us. Stay up to date, the next article is in progress … 🙂

Bauplan Umbau Halle 2020

Reconstruction of the Entrance Area

...our hall will soon shine in new splendor

Georg Geisler General

We are happy to inform you that on April 28th, 2020 we started our renovation. After thorough planning, we are now 100% satisfied with the concept and will inform you more about our plans below.

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Premature Season End Banner

Premature Season End

...due to official orders

Georg Geisler General

Unfortunately we have to inform you that due to the corona virus, an official order has come into force, according to which ski resorts have to close on March 15th and accommodation establishments on March 16th, 2020. Of course, all reservations for the winter season will be canceled automatically and free of charge. We will refund prepayments already made over the next few weeks. We are convinced that these measures are necessary and important & were taken at the right time. The well-being and health of our guests and employees is our top priority. We hope that the measures taken will take effect relatively quickly and that the situation will ease again. The scheduled start of the summer season is on June 27th, 2020. At the moment we have to say: Take good care of each other and stay all healthy! The Geisler family

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Kinder laufen auf Bergwiese

Biene Line fliegt aus

Motto der Tiroler Familiennester 2020

Daniel Geisler Playarena

Genial und einfach zugleich: Jedes Jahr unter einem neuen Motto die Natur entdecken! 2020 steht die fleißige Honigbiene "Biene Line" im Fokus der Betreuer der Playarena.

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Bergheu Gin Tonic Sonnleiten

Mountain Hay Gin

Have you already tried it?

Daniel Geisler Culinary

Our beverage range has been expanded by an exciting specialty; The drink menu now reads "Bergheu Gin Tonic". This extraordinary drink is available in this form exclusively at the Hotel Sonnleiten in Tux.

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Tux Welten Gletscherflohsafari

Tux Worlds

Discover the 4 new themed trails

Daniel Geisler Excursion Tips

Admire the fascinating world of nature in during the four new theme trails for the young and old!

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Spannagelhoehle Tux

Spannagel Cave

A separate world under the glacier

Daniel Geisler Excursion Tips

A cool excursion for the whole family is the Spannagel Cave below the Hintertux Glacier. The cave is located in a 25 meter thick marble vein, which runs from the Spannagelhaus down to Hintertux.

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